Saturday, July 10, 2010

What Wholesales Product Types To Import From China?

Many people are discovering just how profitable it can be to import wholesale product from China and sell them for an increased price individually. As you begin your journey into the world of Chinese wholesale importing, you’ll need to choose what product types to import from China. If you want to maximize your profits while selling Chinese wholesale goods, there are many considerations to make as you choose specific product types to import.

Sell What You Know

Virtually anything can be shipped wholesale from China and sold at a mark up. As you peruse Chinese wholesalers, you’ll notice items from MP3 players and televisions to household tools and textiles for incredibly low prices. As a business person, you will find it highly beneficial to sell a product (or products) that you already know about. If you’re an electronics expert, it is advisable to sell electronic goods such as stereo equipment, computer products, and DVD players. In this way, you’ll be able to answer all of the potential questions that your customers may have. In addition, you’ll be able to properly inspect and judge the products that you import from China before you sell them.

Choosing What Product Types to Import from China Based on Shipping

Obviously, shipping your products overseas from China to the US can be quite costly. Because of this, it will be wise to consider shipping costs when you choose what product types to import from China. Items that are smaller and lighter will be more cost effective to ship. In addition, items that are higher in value may be saddled with additional shipping charges in order to cover insurance prices. Because of this, you might also consider purchasing wholesale items that are somewhat lower in value. Generally, you’ll reduce the effects of shipping costs when you choose small, compact items that are light in weight and low in price. Cheaper MP3 players, USB jump drives, inexpensive jewelry, and electronic accessories are all good choices.

Storing your Merchandise

As you attempt to sell the product types you import from China, you’ll need a place to store them. Many beginning entrepreneurs begin their Chinese wholesale business by storing their products in their home or garage. However, as you’re business expands, you’ll likely need a commercial storage area to keep your inventory. The types of products you purchase will have a significant effect on your storage needs. If you plan to deal in large home appliances like washers and ovens, you’ll need significantly more storage space than if you plan to sell cosmetics or writing utensils. By minimizing your storage needs, you’ll be able to increase your profits as you choose what product types to import from China.

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